CloudBuyback empowers bookstores of all sizes to maximize revenue during and after buyback.

Our powerful real-time pricing platform helps bookstores like yours succeed in a changing landscape.
Offer pricing on thousands of titles traditional wholesalers ignore.

Our market-based, real time database includes prices for many thousands of books that have no value on the buying guide(s) you currently use.

Create additional revenue for your store and value for your customers by using our simple CloudBuyback App to buy these books and send them to Penntext for a 20% commission.

Your customers will be better served locally and you’ll keep more business on campus.
We pay shipping!

Our system works in any browser on any computer, and there’s nothing to install. CloudBuyback is fast, secure and super user friendly.

We provide easy access to downloadable reporting and real time updates on shipment and payments. Training is painless and our web based app is intuitively built to keep things simple.

Hundreds of college bookstores, spirit shops and campus retail have used CloudBuyback over the last 6 years to dramatically supplement their buyback and keep happy customers!

Penntext provides warm, friendly and consistent customer support.

From the initial demo, on-boarding, buyback, shipping and payment process, we’re there at every step. We’ll train you quickly and painlessly to use our app, and our support team is always at your service.

If your store needs special reporting tweaks or a custom solution, our development team is available to get our tools refined to your needs.

We pay lightning fast compared to everyone else in the industry!

Our app makes it easy to print pre-paid FedEx shipping labels (at our cost) for the items you’ve purchased. As soon as FedEx scans the labels, we reimburse your capital outlay plus 20% commission, by your choice of ACH wire or check.

No waiting 30+ days for payment, most of our payments go out same or next day from shipment creation, starting as soon as the books leave your store!

We’ve helped hundreds of bookstores just like yours turn deadstock back into revenue. Penntext aggressively quotes bulk on thousands of titles the wholesalers pass by.

It’s as simple as emailing us a spreadsheet of your deadstock ISBNs and quantity. We’ll return a quote lightning fast!

We’ll send you prepaid FedEx labels or arrange freight pickup depending on the size of your bulk quote. We always pay for shipping, and payment is turned around as soon as the items are checked-in.

“Using CloudBuyback’s online buyback program is user-friendly and very straightforward. Books we are able to sell to Penntext often have no value at our other wholesale partners, which makes Penntext a great outlet for books that would otherwise be dead stock.” University of Minnesota Bookstores

“The students have an extra option to sell their books back. The customer service is also wonderful! I would recommend this program to any bookstore.” Kaskaskia College

“I only wish we took advantage of the opportunities Penntext offers sooner. We have been able to clear out books that were worth nothing to us and actually put some cash back into our bookstore.” Morehead State University Bookstore

Fill out the contact form here and we’ll get right back to you!

You can also get familiar with a quick intro video or take a look at our PDF kit.

Start keeping customers happy by buying more of their books instead of sending them to competitors!

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Bookstore & Campus Retail Contact Form

Please fill out the contact form and we’ll get back to you quickly!

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